ROV Submarine

As time keeps moving, more works required which lead to a tight schedule for the senior cohort. That was why my current project that was about the ROV submarine drone moved to the after-school extension (ASE) where I have two hours a week to work on my project with my partner. From the past 7 weeks, we were working on a simple seaperch project that was ordered from the US for our learning purpose. Since we never done this type of building and technology before it was a tough and complicated machine to build. But no matter what we managed to finish the product by the end of the term. From the past 7 weeks until we test our ROV, we do a lot of analysis so that we can use that information for our next ROV that we are currently working on. The type of ROV that we really want to build is the ROV that can go underwater and use for many purposes under the ocean like doing marine research. One of our original ideas is to use the camera which required machine learning that will track the data from the fish in the ocean. We were both inspired by an organization that called Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC). We hope that we could finish this project in one year and feasible to do a marine research that will help also help others science to use for other benefits.

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