3 Global Alumni Convention

On Saturday, November 2017, there was a group of student who went to the 3 Global Alumni Convention scholarship workshop that located at the riverside in Sokha hotel. It was a really crucial workshop for a variety of students, from high school to university students that participated in the event. I got a chance to listen to a few topic that related to scholarships such as health, engineer, and business. And some of the speakers were Cambodian students who got a scholarship to continue study abroad in Australia, Canada, USA and more. It was really interesting in the event because I saw a lot of companies, organizations, and other projects that present their program to provide the scholarship for the students. Moreover, from all of the speakers, they all had mentioned about the English level that a student should have in order to get a scholarship to study abroad. The English is really important if we want to go study abroad. Furthermore, the English level is also really interesting because the harder the subject you want to learn, the higher the English level it will require. For an example, if we want to study in Australia for the doctor major it required about 7 for IELTS or higher to attempt a good university in Australia. Lastly, after listened to many panelists and asking them questions it gives me a broader idea of my future career and whether I want to study abroad or not. In addition to that since Cambodia is still a developing country, there are a lot of jobs that is not wisely introduced in this country especially, the job that related to the STEM.

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