
Name of Course –  Zoology

Learning Facilitator:  Jojo

Course Description:  This course begins with a study of all life – what does it mean to “have life”? Students learn about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the 5 major kingdoms of life (Bacteria, Protists, Plants, Animals and Fungi).  The course then transitions to focus entirely on the animal kingdom.  Students will become familiar with various animal groups. We begin by studying invertebrates (Phylum Porifera, Cniderians, Molluscs, Arthropods…) and work our way towards the vertebrates (Amphibians, Fish, Reptiles…)  For each animal group students will learn about distinguishing characteristics of the animals in that group, their behavior and various habitats where they are found.  Finally, students will walk away with an understanding of evolution by adaptation, global ecosystems and ecological relationships.

In zoology we learned about Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryota Cell. Prokaryotic cell make  of one prokaryotic cell and it have just bataria that are in prokaryotic group. Eukaryotic make of one or more eukaryotic cell and in the group that in eukaryotic have animal, plant, bird, reptile, amphibian and protist is the organism that are made of single eukaryotic cell. Also we had learned about invertebrate group it mean don’t have backbone and vertebrate group is the group that have backbone. In the invertebrate group we had learned about

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